
During Season 2 of Astra Nova, the player has a broader range of options for constructing their own unique character, the new Envoy. They may choose from fifteen Species, each representing the Starstrewn refugees who fled to the planet.

Elari (Elves): From the planet Saerinda, the Elari are the eldest Species. Gifted in Nature Magic and Combat, these are a people used to ruling the world.

Fielduin (Humans): Stolen from their home planet, these refugees to Saerinda are powerful in creating technology. They rebelled against Elari oppression in recent decades.

Ossodrim (Skeletons): Newly created through Chaos magic, the most recent inhabitants of Saerinda are a brutal and efficient fighting force. Their ability to access Chaos magic is developing rapidly.

Minaki (Fairies): Blessed with technological prowess, the Minaki long co-ruled the planet Abja. Their specific skill-sets are defined by the color of their hair.

Horas (Elementals): The other co-rulers of Abja, the Horas are powerful exponents of the magic of the Elements, fire, earth, air, and water. They are competent in combining technology with magic.

Onarks (Trolls): Physically powerful inhabitants of Abja, Onarks are loyal to a fault. Though their magical proficiency is minimal, their ability to use tools and impact weapons is unparalleled.

PanGuenters (Apes): Dextrous inhabitants of the tropical planet of Eamis, PanGuenters have an incredible capacity for technological advancement. They are equally comfortable on land or in trees.

Mecchoids (Robots): Constructed by PanGuenters as AI developed on Eamis, Mecchoids are their equal - some would say superior - in employing technology. Though they prefer living underground, Mecchoids are extremely adaptable.

MecGuenters (Cyborgs): The final creation of the PanGuenters on Eamis, MecGuenters are a melding of technology with organic tissue. With some concept of technology and magic, MecGuenters possess strong leadership qualities.

Insidiaens (Devils): Powerful magical beings, the Insidiaens were the first inhabitants of Sokorien. They are known for their cunning and ability to negotiate.

Saängwyr (Vampires): Skilled in agility and stealth, the sophisticated Saängwyr escaped war and betrayal on Sokorien. Their knowledge of blood makes them effective healers and medics.

Reviands (Zombies): A combination of brutality and magic, Sokorien’s Reviands have a highly advanced instinct for survival. This enables them to resist the ravages of battle and disease.

Coruscoros (Angels): Originally inhabitants of Kawaida, the winged Coruscoros are agile in air and on land. Their speed and airborne ability makes the ideal for ranged attacks.

Bodachim (Ghouls): Landborne creatures from Kawaida, the Bodachim are sturdy and strong defenders. They also have great instincts for predicting and understanding the weather.

Tingava (Aliens): The Tingavans are space nomads with a highly developed aptitude for mechanical travel. Having been exposed to many cultures over the centuries, they are excellent traders and lorekeepers.


Based on your role play style, you’ll choose a moral alignment that impacts the character interactions & choices you’ll make in game: Selfless, Neutral, Chaotic, Selfish.

Acting in accordance with your alignment will influence not only your story quests, but also directly impact your Awakened buff (unlocked later in game).


Each species can be further defined by Class, which provides benefits and limitations to ensure a multifaceted gaming experience. Note that benefits provided by Class vary in potency according to Species. For example, the Magus enhancement is less pronounced in the technologically advanced but non-magical Minaki than in the highly magical Horas.

The available Classes are:

Valiant: This Class features enhancements in Strength and Combat. Valiants excel in armed and unarmed combat, as well as melee and one-on-one battles. They learn to use unfamiliar weapons more quickly and inflict more damage on their opponents.

Guardian: This Class features enhancements in Healing and Defense. Guardians can accelerate healing for themselves and followers. They favor ranged attacks and can slow the attacks of enemies.

Phantom: This Class features enhancements in Agility and Stealth. Phantoms can avoid battle or appear unexpectedly through short-range teleportation. They can also apply temporary invisibility, making them more difficult to hit.

Magus: This Class features enhancements in Magical Attack and Magical Defense. Magi excel in magically ranged attacks and defense of themselves and their followers. They learn to use unfamiliar magical artifacts more quickly and are skilled at operating Gates.


In addition to survival and combat, the world of Astra Nova presents unique challenges and role play possibilities.

Combat: impacting critical hit rates, cooldowns, tactical advantages & more

Diplomacy: impacting role playing dialogue options, alliance building & more

Crafting: impacting item creation, customization, resource gathering & more

Exploration: impacting lore discovery, area unlocks, territory upgrades & more

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